How to Win the Next Drawing

Your guide to earning more tickets for your school

If you've come to this page, it's because you want to know how to maximize your school's chances in future drawings.

Get Organized

Set up an "Ed100 study group." Think of this as your school's varsity team for school community leadership. A great way to build a knowledgeable parent group (and to earn tickets) is to form a small study group, like a book club. You can meet in person or online. Work through the lessons together and use them to complete the PTA Parent LCAP checklist. Remember, tickets are earned individually, so it makes sense to meet in a place where you can have several computers or smartphones online.

Keep it real. The best way to win a drawing is by having lots of tickets in the jar, right? Yes, but keep the big picture in mind: Ed100 is designed for parent leaders who have an interest in understanding and influencing the system. It's not for everybody. The "sweet spot" number of participants in a study group for Ed100 is five to eight. The rules of the drawings are set up to reinforce this idea: only tickets earned by your school's five most active participants are used in the drawing. From the perspective of winning, it's better to build a committed study group than a big group that won't be as committed.

Go mobile. You can sign in to Ed100 on mobile devices. This is great for Ed100 study groups, or for reading a lesson while you're between commitments.

Plan ahead. Ed100 is organized into chapters. If you create a calendar for your study group, you can work through the chapters together, and get more out of them through discussion.

Hold each other accountable. You can see who has signed up from your school (and how many tickets they have earned) by checking the Leaderboard.

Some Parents May Want to Go Solo. There may also be parents who want to use Ed100 but their schedules are so complicated that a study group just won’t work. Make sure you reach out to your entire school community and let them know about this opportunity to build leadership skills and help their school.

Get Qualified

It takes two. For your school's PTA to have a chance to win, at least two people must sign up with Ed100 and select the same school in their profile. Remember that Ed100 isn't limited to parents. You could invite teachers, community members, administrators, students... anyone.

Earn Bonus Tickets

The lessons are the heart of Ed100, so please focus first on earning orange tickets. But when it comes to the drawing, the blue bonus tickets contribute just as much to your chances of winning. Here's how to earn them.

Complete whole chapters. You can complete lessons on Ed100 in any order you want, but the easiest way to earn bonus tickets is by completing all the lessons in a chapter. When you have earned all the lesson tickets in a chapter you are automatically awarded two bonus tickets.

Complete the whole course. Completing every lesson in Ed100 earns you an additional twenty bonus tickets, plus bragging rights.

Leave comments. We want the Ed100 community to be strong and interactive. If you have something meaningful to say, submit a comment. If your comment is published, you'll earn a bonus ticket. (Note: the rules limit the number of tickets that can be earned this way.)

Share lessons by email, by Facebook, or by Twitter. Tell others about lessons that will interest them. You can earn bonus tickets by sharing on Facebook, on Twitter, and by email. Try it!

Read the blog. In addition to their intrinsic interest, some blog entries on Ed100 may enable you to win a bonus ticket.


If you have questions about an Ed100 drawing, please check the rules. If that doesn't clear it up, leave a comment on this page or email [email protected].

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Our free lessons are short, easy to read, and up to date. Each lesson you complete earns a ticket for your school. You could win $1,000 for your PTA.

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