Lesson 8.5

The formula that controls most school funding

Here’s how the Local Control Funding Formula works. The short version.

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School districts in California receive funding to educate each student in their care.

The amount they receive from the state varies depending on the characteristics of students. This system is known as the Local Control Funding Formula, or LCFF.

To understand any system, it helps to follow the money. This lesson explains how LCFF works, how it came to be, why it's important, why it is generally admired as good policy, and why informed community members have become so essential to it.

Local control vs. state control

The LCFF system gives school districts a lot of local power. It was not always so.

The golden rule: “Whoever has the gold makes the rules.”

From 1978 through 2013, California's education finance system was very centralized, complicated, and unfair. Laws and policies set in Sacramento determined the amount of money each school district received. Significant portions of the money were earmarked for specific categorical purposes, almost like coupons. To prove their compliance with the terms of each categorical program, districts filed bushels of reports. In effect, California had a statewide system of state schools.

In 2013, as this lesson will explain, the California legislature dramatically decentralized the school finance system, aiming to create a statewide system of local school districts. The Local Control Funding Formula eliminated virtually all categorical programs. School districts were given far more power to make choices locally about how to put money to use.

Today, school districts have considerable control over money and how to spend it. (In Educationese, the state apportions funds to Local Education Agencies, a term that includes school districts, county offices of education and charter schools. Insiders call them LEAs, pronounced as the letters, not like the name of a certain Jedi princess.)

What is LCFF?

California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) allocates state funds to school districts based on the characteristics of students attending school in them, providing more money to districts where student needs are greater. The big idea of LCFF is that schools should be equipped to serve the needs of the students they are educating. Districts that have many "higher need" students get more money from the state budget to serve those students. Here is how it works:

  1. Base Funding: All districts receive a base grant for each student who comes to school. The base grant is larger for grades 9-12 than for other grade levels.
  2. Supplemental Funding: Districts receive 20% additional funding per student for students with high needs — specifically defined as learning English, in poverty, homeless, or in foster care.
  3. Concentration Funding: Districts are provided additional money if more than 55% of children in the district qualify as having high needs. Specifically, the district receives an extra 65% of the base grant for each high-need student beyond the 55% threshold. For example, a district where 60% of the students are in a high-need category receives 165% of the base for 5% of its students.
  4. Equity multiplier: Beginning in 2023-24, the state added the option of providing additional funding in support of high-need school sites where more than 70% of the student population is socioeconomically disadvantaged. Total funding for this program is specified in the state budget each year. Learn more.

The end result under the LCFF system is that districts where students have higher needs receive more money to address those needs.

Under LCFF, the use of funds is substantially unrestricted, which means that school districts have a lot of latitude, so long as they spend the supplemental and concentration funds in ways that follow the intent of the law. This was a big change. Now it is school districts that hold the gold, and make the rules.

Now it is school districts that hold the gold and make the rules.

LCFF accountability: the LCAP

In principle, school districts are accountable to their community for using LCFF funds as intended. Are districts actually following through on the intent of LCFF by investing more money in higher-need students?

It is up to each community to enforce the intent of LCFF.

Often not, unfortunately. But it's unfortunately hard to know.

A document known as the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is meant to provide transparency about the actual use of LCFF funds, but the accounting detail in the LCAP is minimal. Who enforces the use of funds under LCFF? In practice, it is up to community members to stand up for the intent of the law. They don't have to do it alone, thankfully. Nonprofit law firms and advocacy groups like Public Advocates and ACLU have supported communities in this critical role, bringing cases against districts that have used LCFF targeted funds in untargeted ways. These cases are difficult and widespread.

A 2020 study of 14 districts by the Edunomics Lab found that only two of them spent money on high-need students in proportion to the additional money received.

In 2023, Public Advocates found that "most districts exclude significant programs and expenditures from their LCAPs, include only a fraction of their budgets, and fail to describe actions – including discretionary school site allocations – with enough detail for communities to understand what districts are doing or monitor whether programs and services are implemented and effective."

Standard public reports don't necessarily show where school district money is spent. Organizations have had to use Freedom of Information Act requests and the threat of litigation to obtain the detailed information required. It's a serious matter: in 2017 Los Angeles Unified settled such a case for $150 million.

In order to encourage local oversight, an important element of the Local Control Funding Formula is that school districts must engage parents and community to create a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). See Lesson 7.10 and the Ed100 LCAP Checklist for more information about how spending decisions are made.

The exceptions to LCFF

California accomplished the transition to the LCFF system with unexpected speed and unity. Originally forecast to take seven years, the job was essentially done in three due to strong growth in California's tax receipts.

In the Ed100 blog
Basic Aid districts aren't part of LCFF. Here's why.

Education funding for virtually all school districts is determined by LCFF. There are only a few exceptions, generally known as Basic Aid districts, where locally-generated taxes are greater than the level guaranteed by the state.

The first step in filling a district's LCFF bucket is to pour in all the local property taxes. If those taxes fill the bucket halfway, state money is used to fill the other half of the bucket. If property taxes fill the bucket two-thirds of the way, state money fills the other third. The first step in filling a district's LCFF bucket is to pour in all the local property taxes. If those taxes fill the bucket halfway, state money is used to fill the other half of the bucket. If property taxes fill the bucket two-thirds of the way, state money fills the other third.
In perhaps as many as 100 school districts in California, the property taxes fill or overflow the LCFF Funding Bucket. In those cases, the districts keep all their local property taxes and get no LCFF money from the state. These are known as “Basic Aid” or “Excess Tax” districts. In perhaps as many as 100 school districts in California, the property taxes will fill or overflow the LCFF Funding Bucket. In those cases, the districts keep all their property taxes and get no LCFF money from the state. These are known as Basic Aid or Excess Tax districts.

Some funds are outside of LCFF

LCFF did not eliminate all categorical funds, partly because some of them are designed to align with the requirements of federal programs. The largest of these programs is Special Education, which has its own set of allocation rules and also requires the district to spend funds from its base allocation. Ed100 Lesson 8.6 explains more about the exceptions to the LCFF funding system.

Is LCFF Working?

The short answer is yes. LCFF made California's education funding system dramatically better.

In 2005-2007 a set of 20 research studies collectively known as Getting Down to Facts set the stage for change and led to the adoption and implementation of LCFF. In 2018 a set of follow-up studies known as as Getting to Facts II (GDTFII) was examined a big, important question: How is LCFF working? The findings were encouraging. According to the researchers, "The data provide initial evidence that money targeted to districts with the greatest student needs has led to improvements in student outcomes."

One of the associated studies, provocatively titled Money and Freedom, found that additional funds apportioned through LCFF were put to work in ways that made a distinct, measurable difference:

“We find that LCFF-induced increases in school spending led to significant increases in high school graduation rates and academic achievement, particularly among poor and minority students. …In sum, the evidence suggests that money targeted to students' needs can make a significant difference in student outcomes and can narrow achievement gaps.”

The studies suggest considerable support for the funding formula's basic design, which directs more funding to districts where needs are greater. For example, one study for the GDTFII project surveyed Chief Business Officers, who oversee the deployment of funds in school districts. These officers generally expressed support and confidence for the changes brought about by LCFF, even in districts that did not get additional funds from the policy.

In 2023, ten years after the implementation of LCFF, studies of the impact of the policy were even more conclusive:

“The analyses show that LCFF-induced funding increases significantly improved academic achievement for every grade and subject assessed, reduced grade repetition, enabled lower suspension rates, and increased the likelihood of students graduating from high school and being college-ready. The impact on student achievement grew with years of exposure to increased funding and with the amount of the funding increase. District investments in instructional inputs, including reduced class size, increased teacher salaries, and teacher retention, were associated with improved student outcomes.”

Of course, there is still plenty of room for improvement. Local accountability is great in theory, but implementation matters. The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a complex report. Understanding it and advocating for tradeoffs relies heavily on well-informed and deeply engaged community members. That's a tall order. We'll get back to the LCAP in Lesson 7.10.

For now let's stay with this chapter's theme, which is to explore where money for education in California comes from, where it goes and why. The next lesson, 8.6, examines the use of categorical funds, which districts can only spend in specific ways.

This lesson was updated in July, 2024.


Which ONE of the following is TRUE about the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)?

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Carol Kocivar December 28, 2024 at 4:53 pm
Emerging Topics in Education Finance From the Learning Policy Institute
"State policymakers–especially those serving on Education Committees–have an important role in understanding the importance of equitable school funding and shaping their state’s school finance strategies. This responsibility includes having an awareness of emerging topics in school funding, including declining student enrollment, instability in state budgets, the needs of different student populations, and the reduction of federal funds."
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Carol Kocivar December 28, 2024 at 4:42 pm
"First implemented over 10 years ago, California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) provides California’s public schools with additional funding for high-need students. It uses enrollment in the Free and Reduced-Price Meal program (FRPM) to proxy for low-income status. Yet the gap between FRPM and other poverty measures has been growing over time.
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Peter McManus August 19, 2024 at 9:23 am
I am on our local school district's bond committee which we have never had in our 100+ year history. And it shows! Consequently, I have come to realize just how ignorant the average parent (I put myself in this category) is when it comes to the financing of our schools in California. And yet, so many want to pass judgement. Understanding LCFF and the history leading up to its implementation should be required of all parents. In a perfect world!
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FillmoreSlim July 22, 2024 at 6:52 pm
I think the quiz question is misleading. I chose the first answer, because the funds do have to follow the intent of the law. The second possible answer, states... unrestricted and used for "ANY" purpose. I think one is more correct than two! I want my point! : )
" Under LCFF, the use of funds is substantially unrestricted, meaning that school districts have a lot of latitude, so long as they spend the supplemental and concentration funds in ways that follow the intent of the law."
BTW, I really enjoy this site! Thank you!
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Jeff Camp - Founder July 29, 2024 at 9:57 am
Thanks, Sarah! I have updated the wording of the quiz in response to your comment. It's not easy to write good quiz questions that check for understanding. Teachers wrestle with this challenge all the time. I have a lot of respect for the folks at the College Board, who take a lot of guff about their tests. This stuff is hard to get right!
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Cary September 28, 2023 at 3:02 am
Should the total amount received through the LCFF be included and explained in the LCAP? Are there any valid reasons why the two amounts would differ?
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Carol Kocivar April 26, 2023 at 7:53 pm
The Local Control Funding Formula for School Districts and Charter Schools

This study by the Legislative Analyst provides some historical background on LCFF’s implementation, describes how the formula works for school districts and charter schools, describes how the formula was phased in, and explain requirements for districts to adopt plans that describe how LCFF funding will be spent.

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Carol Kocivar March 24, 2023 at 4:35 pm
Important 2023 analysis of LCFF: Realizing the Promise of LCFF: Recommendations from the First Ten Years. Using 72 districts as case studies, PACE and the ACLU Southern
California, reviews LCFF implementation to offer guidance on improving equitable outcomes and community engagement. While the report highlights some bright spots, it underscores the need for significant innovation in order to strengthen accountability measures that can ensure a comprehensive strategic planning process and better engagement.
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Carol Kocivar January 9, 2023 at 3:54 pm
A 2023 report from the Legislative Analyst updates data on LCFF and LCAP
The Local Control Funding Formula for School Districts and Charter Schools
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Carol Kocivar August 4, 2022 at 2:30 pm
California Education Budget 2022-23

The Budget includes total funding of $128.6 billion for K-12 education:

All state and federal funds $22,893 per pupil
State only: Proposition 98 General Fund $16,993 K-12 per pupil

In addition to this funding, the Budget includes $5.1 billion General Fund for K-12 school facilities, including new preschool and transitional kindergarten facilities.

This Budget is $35.8 billion Proposition 98 funds above the 2021 K-14 education budget and contains more funding for community schools and universal high-quality school meals.

It also accelerates funding for extended learning opportunities that will provide families the opportunity for a 9-hour day filled with academics and enrichment, including six weeks during the summer.

Budget details by topic are now included in the comments at the end of the appropriate Ed100 lesson..

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Carol Kocivar July 23, 2022 at 6:35 pm
LCFF Base Grants 2022-23
Grade Span Amount per student
TK/K3 $10,082
4-6 $9,270
7-8 $9,544
9-12 $11,349

Supplemental Grant 20%
Districts receive 20% additional funding per student for students with higher needs
Concentration Grant 65%
New in 2022. Higher concentration grant funding.
If more than 55% of children in the district are in poverty, in foster care, or learning English, the district receives an extra 65 % (instead of the previous 50 %) of the base grant for each student beyond the 55% threshold.
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Jeff Camp - Founder June 28, 2022 at 12:43 am
Evidence that the core design of California's education funding system is rational: an award from the Education Foundation of the States in 2022: "...there is no other state doing as much to advance educational equity for its neediest students as California is doing today" https://www.ecs.org/wp-content/uploads/2022-Frank-Newman-Award-for-State-Innovation-release.pdf
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Carol Kocivar October 19, 2021 at 12:09 pm
LCFF Funding Update:
To increase the number of adults providing direct services to students on school campuses, the 2021-22 Budget includes an ongoing increase to the LCFF concentration grant of $1.1 billion Proposition 98 General Fund, increasing the concentration grant from
50 to 65 percent of the LCFF base grant. Local educational agencies that are recipients of these funds will be required to demonstrate in their local control and accountability plans how these funds are used to increase the number of certificated and classified staff on their campuses, including school counselors, nurses, teachers, paraprofessionals, custodial staff, and other student support providers
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Carol Kocivar October 8, 2021 at 4:21 pm
Targeted K–12 Funding and Student Outcomes
An Oct, 2021 report from the Public Policy Institute of Callifornia on LCFF funding shows positive results. These include:
1. Under LCFF, resources were distributed more equitably across districts.
2. Revenues and spending increased fastest in high-need districts.
3. Test scores and A–G completion increased most in the highest-need districts after the state fully implemented the funding formula.

Among the PPIC recommendations:
1. Improve reporting to enhance tracking and transparency of funding.
2. Consider a funding mechanism based on school site need
3. Increase supplemental grants and/or lowering the threshold for concentration grants.

Lots more data. Read the report.
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francisco molina August 19, 2019 at 2:10 am
Summer is the best time for the board and the district to spend money. That is the time when school families are taking their vacations -- when they are back everything is done, nothing to say.
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Caroline August 15, 2019 at 6:00 pm
Can LCFF funds be used for capital improvements?
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Jeff Camp August 16, 2019 at 11:11 am
No, LCFF funds are for operations.
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Jennifer B February 19, 2019 at 9:24 pm
Your description of property tax funding omits a key element. Yes, property owners pay taxes allocated directly to their local districts. In addition, however, a portion of EVERY tax bill is allocated to that county's Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF). That fund is ONLY available to support LCFF-funded districts within that county and only to the extent of the State's top-up liability. Thus, an LCFF-funded school district receives (first) revenue directly allocated to it out of its local residents' property tax payments, (second) revenue indirectly allocated to it out of its county residents' property tax payments (up to, but not beyond, the State's school funding commitment to that school), and (finally) State top-up funding, if required, up to the commitment.
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Jennifer B February 20, 2019 at 8:10 am
The tragedy now is that over half a billion dollars a year of ERAF is being distributed outside of education annually. This "excess" ERAF occurs in counties with high regional costs of living — notably, San Francisco ($267M), San Mateo ($194M), Marin ($64M) and Santa Clara ($99M). Since LCFF funding is flat across the state, that money is considered unneeded by education, hence redistributed among other local entities (the county, cities, fire and other special districts). This means that -- even though local residents have paid property tax "for schools," their LCFF-funded districts don't get it. These (generally disadvantaged) districts cannot compete with other employers, with nearby basic-aid districts, or with LCFF districts in lower-cost areas. (Note, basic-aid district residents pay heavily into county ERAF, so they, too, are suffering as local children go without an adequate education.)
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Gloria Lucioni January 6, 2019 at 6:55 pm
I think here the question is confusing. The funding is " unrestricted" but funds ca not be used for just "any purpose." Parents and boards decide uses which schools are legally held accountable for at the state level. The funding is more complex , overall, because it works on a 1/2 or 2/3 city tax base as well as state matched funds. So, neither answer is optima. Unrestricted should be exchanged for a word like "unaccountable" is funds are unethically or negligently distributed among schools. This was exactly the case with Community Coalition vs LAUSD in which a community won 150 million.
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francisco molina August 20, 2019 at 1:19 am
I agree with you. All people need a common sense about how to use money. Before to using money the community need to know our educational priorities. But, the reality shows the administration and the board behaving as the owner of that money.
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luciab September 24, 2018 at 2:24 pm
I recently saw that our school site budget this year is about $1.5 million and our school has about 252 students (K-5). That is less than $6k per student per year. Our school does not qualify for any supplemental or concentration funds. However, it still seems low. Am I missing something, or am I comparing apples to oranges?
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Jeff Camp October 1, 2018 at 11:11 am
Funds are allocated to school districts, not to schools, and school districts have a lot of freedom about how to account for the use of funds by site. Most of the money actually spent at a school is in the form of salaries and benefits, and the actual cost of salaries can vary depending on where the specific teachers land on the salary schedule. The bottom line is that there is no single, dependable answer to your question; you need to ask your school district... and they may have trouble giving you a really clear answer. Are the costs of staff allocated based on actual expenses, or on average expenses per teacher, for example?
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April 16, 2017 at 1:33 pm
A clarification with regard to item #2 above, "Districts receive 20% additional “Supplemental Funding” per student for students with higher needs -- children Learning English, in poverty, and/or in foster care.". Supplemental funding per LCFF uses an "unduplicated" pupil count. Thus, for the purposes of funding, a pupil may be counted in only one category.
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Caryn-C September 11, 2017 at 12:07 pm
That is a helpful clarification--thanks!
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Jeff Camp October 1, 2018 at 11:18 am
Yes. The system counts a student as having additional needs under LCFF if he or she is in the lunch program and/or foster care and/or learning English. The formula is meant to create an "unduplicated" count of these students. In a nasty twist of jargon, a student that falls in any of these categories is now known as an "unduplicated" student in educationese. For example: "Our school has 27 unduplicated students." "We provide well for our unduplicated students." "Jose and Maria are unduplicated students."
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Robin Pendoley October 11, 2021 at 1:51 pm
Jeff, can you share the rationale for why LCFF counts students with need (i.e. unduplicated students) rather than incidents of need (i.e. a student who is homeless and an English Learner experiences two needs that are barriers to learning).
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Jeff Camp - Founder October 13, 2021 at 5:31 am
Politics is the art of the possible. LCFF passed at a time and under conditions that allowed it. It stuck to three conditions of durable need (economic need, language acquisition, foster care). Special Ed, homelessness were left for future political leaders to tackle. Lesson 10.4 discusses this more.
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Jeff Camp - Founder October 13, 2021 at 5:31 am
Politics is the art of the possible. LCFF passed at a time and under conditions that allowed it. It stuck to three conditions of durable need (economic need, language acquisition, foster care). Special Ed, homelessness were left for future political leaders to tackle. Lesson 10.4 discusses this more.
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Sherry Schnell April 6, 2015 at 8:37 pm
I think it's important for parents in our district to understand how money flows to the district, but because of the size of the state, we have limited influence on that. It may be more important for parents to understand how money flows to schools WITHIN the district. Some schools don't have enough to meet basic needs, while others have more.
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Mary Perry April 7, 2015 at 1:19 pm
Sherry - it's absolutely true that parents ought to understand how districts allocate money to their schools. Since those decisions vary a lot from one school district to another, we'd encourage parents to directly ask school officials that very important question. You might want to start with your school principal, but if you don't learn what you want to know or that raises additional questions, my next stop would be the superintendent's office. Your locally elected school board members should also be helpful. Some districts make school budget decisions very transparent and others do not. In my view, all should be happy to answer these kinds of parent questions.


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