Nearly all parents express confidence that their children will succeed in school and graduate from college one day.
As children begin preschool or kindergarten, this faith is uplifting and right. Every child can succeed in school with effort and support. As children advance through school, however, some of that confidence amounts to wishful thinking. How do we know if our kids are actually succeeding?
Students and their parents really want to believe that school is going to work out OK. Teachers and administrators also really want to believe that their schools can give kids the education they need. But education is cumulative. When a student comes to a class seriously behind, there is only so much any one teacher can do!
Schools are complex organizations. As students move from grade to grade, weaknesses in the system pile up. Distractions steal a little time here and a little there. It's easy for the definition of "good work" to vary from one class to the next. Students that fall behind often do so gradually, unnoticed, making grades that don't ring alarm bells. If parents complain, it's natural for teachers and administrators to reassure them.
How does a school system honestly determine whether weaknesses are piling up and ensure that students do well academically? And how can parents tell if their kids aren’t doing well?
Three layers of success: the student, the school, and the system
California's grade-level educational standards, based on the Common Core, are more than lists of facts to be memorized and regurgitated. They describe what students need to know and be able to do at each grade level in order for college to be a workable option for them.
Three sources of information can tell you whether your child is on track: teacher conferences, report cards, and standardized tests.
Standardized tests are the system's most objective feedback for parents. Don't ignore them.
Teacher conferences can give you useful insight into how your child behaves at school, and how he or she approaches academic work. Teachers can also help you get a feel for what students are learning in class and how you might be able to help your child succeed. But teachers aren't always candid in their feedback. It can be easy to hear what you want to hear. (For more about parent-teacher conferences, read Lesson 2.4.)
Report cards usually include evaluative feedback from teachers along with a grade, focusing on academic achievement. This feedback might also include information about growth, participation, and/or classroom citizenship. If your student's report card is just a grade, without additional information, ask why. (More on report cards in Lesson 9.2)
In the Ed100 blog
Grade inflation
Standardized tests provide the most objective feedback you will get about your child's academic progress. Each year, students in California take the CAASPP tests (also known as the "Smarter Balanced" tests). These tests are an antidote to wishful thinking. They evaluate students based on their demonstrated knowledge and skills, coldly benchmarked against grade level expectations. Yes, class grades can be a more comprehensive evaluation of a student's performance, but they can be subjective. A grade of B in one teacher’s class is not the same as a B in the classroom next door, much less in a different school in a different community. Standardized tests aren't perfect, but they have meaning and they matter.
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted testing across the nation, leading states to skip a year of test administration. In 2021, California officials wrestled to find ways of testing students safely, while keeping an eye on federal law.
Don't let yourself be easily reassured!
If your child shows a pattern of low scores on the CAASPP tests, hear the alarm bell. Don't ignore it. Don't let yourself be easily reassured. Few students make it to and through college with a pattern of low standardized test scores, even if their grades are OK. Talk to a counselor. Figure out what's standing in the way and do something about it.
The success of a school is a reflection of the success of its students, both in the short- and long-terms. Successful schools should advance or accelerate the academic achievement of each student each year, with particular focus on ensuring that specific groups of students are not falling behind.
America's major national education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires that states evaluate the success of individual schools using indicators such as academic achievement and progress, English language proficiency, and high school graduation rates. Additionally, this evaluation must identify at least the 5% of schools that are farthest behind, either in terms of total performance or the performance of specific groups of students. It also requires that the state have a plan to improve these schools. (See Lesson 7.9 for more about California's systems for educational interventions.)
Unlike federal law, which is focused on the success of individual schools, California state law focuses on the success of school districts, which oversee schools and school budgets. In 2017, the state introduced the California School Dashboard, which evaluates the success of its ~10,000 schools and ~1,000 school districts. School system success is measured based on short-term metrics like attendance and test scores, but also long-term ones like graduation rates, college readiness, and rates of school suspension. When schools are doing poorly on these measures, the state provides additional support through school districts, perhaps with help from the county office of education.
But let's take it a step at a time. The next lesson focuses on the success of students.
Updated January 2025
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Coulter Woolf March 2, 2025 at 12:47 pm
I am a teacher at a low-performing school in the Central Valley. About half of our kids are English learners and a similar share are chronically absent. I teach freshmen science, and about one in six of my students have a GPA of 0.0.
We do have A and B students, but our standards of excellence are low by political necessity, so I’m not sure I would endorse the view that grades are a better reflection of college and career readiness than our dismal standardized test scores.
Peter McManus September 9, 2024 at 11:07 am
Carol Kocivar April 26, 2023 at 7:19 pm
BOULDER, CO (April 13, 2023)—School ratings are a ubiquitous feature of the U.S. educational system. Following the federal requirements for states to report school performance with a standardized measure of accountability, non-state organizations such as and Niche have drawn on states’ publicly available information to create their own consumer-oriented rating systems.
NEPC today released a policy brief, Consumer-Oriented School Rating Systems and Their Implications for Educational Equity, in which author Jeanne M. Powers of Arizona State University examines these consumer-oriented rating systems, their cultural effects, how they work in practice, and their implications for educational equity.
Anna Meza August 1, 2021 at 2:28 pm
Jeff Camp May 3, 2021 at 11:50 am
Jamie Kiffel-Alcheh December 4, 2019 at 9:12 pm
Denise Dafflon July 30, 2019 at 12:31 am
Arianna Stamness February 22, 2018 at 8:31 am
Brenda Etterbeek June 20, 2019 at 7:54 am
Alan Ham July 23, 2020 at 10:27 am
Jeff Camp - Founder July 26, 2020 at 2:20 pm
Carol Kocivar December 7, 2017 at 12:00 pm
A New Measure Shows Where Students Learn the Most
This is an important resource from Stanford that shows growth in learning overtime. Some kids only learn about 4 years worth of knowledge in 5 years and some kids learn 6 years worth of knowledge in 5 years. What school districts shine? Chicago, for one! In California, standouts include Garden Grow, Fremont, Capistrano, and Chula Vista. You can check your district onlilne
Gloria Lucioni January 6, 2019 at 9:20 pm
Jeff Camp January 9, 2017 at 1:53 pm
Denise Dafflon July 30, 2019 at 12:02 am
Jeff Camp - Founder July 30, 2016 at 11:23 pm
sherryeschnell May 10, 2016 at 8:39 pm
Steven N December 8, 2017 at 9:21 am
Sonya Hendren August 31, 2018 at 9:59 pm