Lesson 2.0

Overview of Chapter 2

Who are our students, and what do they actually need?

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The real work of education is learning – and learning can only be done by students. No one can do it for them. If education doesn’t work for the students, then it doesn’t work at all.

Each student arrives at school with different challenges, advantages, resources, and distractions. A fundamental challenge of public education is to create conditions that maximize learning for each child, each year, regardless of where they start.

As with every section of Ed100, there is a lot to cover here. The main text aims for brevity, with a lot of the value delivered through links – and, of course, through your comments. 

What's in this Chapter?

We convinced Jeff to narrate a short video preview of each lesson. We hope you get a kick out of the awkward expressions we captured him in...

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KAT February 11, 2018 at 9:18 pm
Great choice of subjects. After learning about the history and background of education, this chapter gives a solid base of understanding education and the challenges, etc...
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