Lesson 6.4

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

Here’s jargon you should know: STEAM

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The 1957 launch of Sputnik dented America's sense of technological supremacy.

In response, America built a long-term pipeline of rocket scientists and won the race to the moon. It also invested in colleges, scholarships, and educational programs. Other nations followed suit.

As described in lesson 1.3, technological innovation has changed the nature of work, and the changes are global. When it comes to school, kids in many other countries succeed at rates similar to America.

So where does the future lie?

Teaching STEM in schools

Educational investments in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math (collectively known as STEM) play a key role in the shape of society. America’s schools have fallen dramatically behind those in other countries that emphasized preparing students for work in STEM fields. Despite California's high-tech reputation, our students do no better than most in these subject areas.

American policymakers have made some efforts to turn education toward STEM. For example, in 2010, as part of the economic stimulus package that followed the Great Recession, the Race to the Top program offered states the opportunity to compete for federal grant funding. California's application failed partly because judges felt that it lacked a coherent plan to make STEM education more effective.

Science for the Next Generation

Despite its high-tech reputation, California has consistently lagged other states in science education. As of 2024, the 2015 NAEP exam was the most recent meaningful national survey of science readiness. California's eighth graders scored in the bottom four states in the nation that reported scores, just ahead of Alabama and Mississippi.

There are reasons to expect improvement. In 2013, the California State Board of Education adopted standards for science education, known as the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). (It is often called NextGen Science because the acronym is unpronounceable.) School districts slowly began taking action to make changes based on these standards.

Hear Carol and Mary discuss NextGen Science on KALW

A consortium of 26 states developed the NextGen science standards, and California was a lead participant in the effort. Rolling out changes in these standards was a significant undertaking that required new learning materials and training for teachers. Testing based on the new standards began in 2018-19.

The NextGen science standards blend scientific disciplines with concepts of technology and engineering. Paul Anderson, a science teacher, created a series of videos about the standards to help explain their purpose, structure, and usefulness for teachers.

California lags in math

Math (the “M” in STEM) is the educational foundation for the other three disciplines. It’s also an area where California lags most other states according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).

Based on California’s own annual state tests (CAASPP), math scores in the state have been stubbornly weak. An important shift is underway that may help over time. Like educators in many other states, California teachers have been adopting the approaches defined in the Common Core standards. These standards emphasize a deeper understanding of fewer topics than prior standards. This “less is more” idea is consistent with mathematics instruction in countries that are doing far better in STEM areas.

The Common Core Mathematics Practices

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

Model with mathematics.

Use appropriate tools strategically.

Attend to precision.

Look for and make use of structure.

Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Wondering how this kind of content can be introduced to young students? This video series can help:

When should kids learn algebra?

Division over algebra in 8th grade.

All students need to learn algebra skills on their path to adult life — it’s crucial for solving logical problems and essential for learning about science, craft, technology and personal finance. There is little disagreement among educators about it. When should they learn it? That question has proved far more divisive.

Eighth grade algebra for some?
Math concepts build on one another, like layers of a pyramid. There’s no biological obstacle to higher-order thinking at age 13. For kids who like math, advancing to algebra in eighth grade is exciting. Kids who have a solid base in algebraic thinking before they enter high school have the opportunity to take more-demanding courses in grades 9-12 and beyond. When it’s time to apply to colleges, they will have had a chance to demonstrate their readiness.

Eighth grade algebra for all!
But wait a minute, some argued, shouldn’t all kids have the chance to climb to higher levels? Algebra should be the expectation for all students in eighth grade, not just for privileged kids or math prodigies.

For about a decade in the early 2000s, California policy actively pushed algebra as an eighth grade course requirement. Schools, textbook publishers and test designers adjusted their curricula, raising expectations in earlier grades. These higher, earlier expectations had a measurable impact: by 2012, about 2/3 of California's eighth graders were enrolled in Algebra I. Notably, the proportion of Black and Latino students enrolled in the course expanded dramatically.

Eighth grade algebra for none?
California’s push toward earlier algebra was out of step with a bigger development in educational expectations: the Common Core State Standards. These standards, which aimed to raise and harmonize grade level expectations throughout the country, don’t call for algebra in eighth grade. Faced with the reality that many students who were pushed to take Algebra I in eighth grade bombed it, the State Board of Education unanimously voted to drop the eighth grade algebra requirement in order to adopt the structure and pacing of the Common Core standards in 2013.

If the Common Core standards don’t call for algebra in eighth grade, and offering it contributes to unequal outcomes, why not concentrate on getting all kids solidly ready for algebra in ninth grade? Disastrously, in 2014 San Francisco Unified School District took this thinking to its logical conclusion: it eliminated algebra classes in its middle schools. The district completely de-tracked its middle school classes, enrolling all students in the same math courses for Grades 6, 7, and 8. Four years later, an influential study appeared to strongly validate the approach that slowing math instruction down had benefited all students. The research proved wrong. (See report.)

After a disastrous ten-year experiment, San Francisco Unified reversed its policy and restored 8th grade algebra as a choice. (Learn more about the impact of the policy from this Working Paper by Stanford researchers.

Unfortunately, it takes time for the implications of research to sink in and affect policy. San Francisco's (wrong) policy withholding algebra in 8th grade was so influential that it was adopted into California's curriculum framework. In 2024, pushed by math experts, a law passed to fix the error. With all the back-and-forth about it, misunderstanding could linger.

Eighth grade algebra for my kid, darn it!
Even before the research was clear, public opinion about it was overwhelming. People don't like the idea of holding kids down. In 2024, San Francisco voters signaled their support for unblocking 8th grade algebra in a ballot measure that passed by 82%.

Improving how math is taught in California

Most states in America require three or four years of math for high school graduation; only Montana, Maine and California require just two. (That's not quite as bad as it sounds — most California school districts set their own, higher graduation requirements for math.)

Compelling evidence suggests that the state should focus more on early math instruction

Mastering algebra doesn’t just happen. Compelling evidence suggests that if California is to sustain its role as a center of technology, the state should focus more on early math instruction. More students succeed when elementary teachers, and even preschool teachers, have stronger backgrounds and skills in teaching math to the youngest children.

Standards set high-level expectations for learning, but they need additional detail to be implemented. In 2013, California adopted a curriculum framework to accompany and clarify the new standards. A curriculum framework is more specific than standards — it provides guidance and examples to help school districts and teachers think through their plans in actionable detail. The framework began implementation in 2022, and was updated based on field research in 2023.

Introducing computer science to students

To support K-12 computer science education, in 2019 California adopted the Computer Science Strategic Implementation Plan, which includes training materials for educators. The framework also includes major sections on computational thinking and computer science. California has neither dedicated funding for rigorous computer science professional development or course support, nor required high schools to offer it as a subject.

Very few states require high schools to offer computer science classes or have dedicated curriculum standards for it. In California about 9 out of 10 parents want their child’s school to teach computer science, yet as of 2019 only about 39% of California's high schools do so. Schools in low-income communities tend to have the most difficulty establishing computer science programs, although nonprofits sometimes step in to help reduce this disparity.

Where are the STEM teachers?

Many of the challenges involved in teaching STEM subjects are human ones, such as recruiting and retaining teachers with the necessary subject knowledge and charisma. Research from the Learning Policy Institute in 2018 revealed teacher shortages are most pronounced in certain subject areas including mathematics and science. The STEM Teacher Drought, a report from EdTrust West, finds that African American, Latino, and low-income students in California have less access to STEM learning opportunities than their more advantaged peers, and they experience worse academic outcomes in STEM subjects. According to the same report, only 10% of elementary students engaged in “practices of science” or had hands-on instruction and labs.

Attentive and prepared teachers can present a student with the right challenge at the right time, but it is difficult to do so for many students at once. Khan Academy and other online learning platforms are finding favor with some teachers and parents partly because they create individualized challenges for students, making personalized learning and at-home practice possible. Students can take a lesson focused on a specific skill or problem and repeat it until they feel confident.

Science and engineering education stands to benefit from individualized computer-assisted learning as well, if only because achieving mastery in these fields requires pairing competent instruction with clear problem sets. But there is a difference between reading about spectrography and actually firing up a Bunsen burner.


Real tech jobs are multidisciplinary. Designing a manufacturing solution, for example, involves art, craft, teamwork, communication, project management, and problem solving. It almost certainly involves use of a spreadsheet and some kind of visual design tool. These sorts of varied skills are not easy to introduce without the right tools and, crucially, a teacher with the right skills. The California State PTA supports community engagement on this issue. Arts advocates have worked to add the arts to conversations about STEM by adding the letter A (for arts) to the acronym, making it "STEAM."

Next Steps

Make Math a Family Thing. The Harvard Graduate School of Education has put together some ideas and resources for families to develop children’s mathematical learning and for educators to guide families in that process.

Encourage curiosity and experiments at home: 5 Tips for Parents from the California State PTA

Check to see if STEM is part of your district’s LCAP. Are teachers getting the training they need to implement the new science standards? The California STEM Learning Network has some tips.

Get involved at your school. What Your PTA Can Do to Promote STEM Education

Updated February 2025


Relative to other states, California students' scores on the math portion of the Nation's Report Card (NAEP) test are:

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Carol Kocivar December 28, 2024 at 4:03 pm
6 observations from a devastating international math test
2023 TIMSS results show fewer U.S. students in the middle, a re-emergent gender gap and a silver lining

"The growing bifurcation of math skills between a small cluster at the top and growing cluster at the bottom, with a hollowing out of the middle, reflects the income distribution among U.S. households. “It looks like society,” said Goldhaber, a labor economist who worries that the academic losses triggered by the pandemic will make it harder for many young Americans to earn a good living. “They predict greater inequality in the future,” he said."
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Carol Kocivar January 27, 2024 at 1:24 pm
STEAM Learning Podcast
The podcast is a collaboration between the CDE and the Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation. Listeners can explore innovative practices, new resources, and practical solutions..

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John Jersin January 7, 2024 at 2:16 pm
The de-tracking experiment in San Francisco has produced results that aren't nearly as clear as was originally claimed. Analysis by a team from Stanford has suggested the benefits are nearly nonexistent, yet the costs are huge. Before detracking, roughly 53% of all students were taking Algebra 1 in 8th grade, passing, and enrolling in Geometry the next year. Those 53% of students are now being held back, and the benefits claimed earlier have been shown to be inaccurate.
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Carol Kocivar March 24, 2023 at 4:31 pm
A new PACE report March 2023) and related infographic examine ways to improve math course-taking for high school students in California public schools. https://edpolicyinca.org/publications/innovating-high-school-math-through-k-12-and-higher-education-partnerships
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Carol Kocivar August 3, 2022 at 8:46 pm
The 2022-23 state Budget includes $85 million to create Pre-K through 12 grade educator resources and professional learning to implement the Next Generation Science Standards, the California Math Framework, the California Computer Science Standards, and the math and science domains of the California Preschool Learning Foundations. These funds will also support the alignment of other state STEM educator support initiatives (i.e., UC Subject Matter Projects, Early Math Initiative, etc.) with this work, to create a cohesive statewide continuum of instructional supports for all STEM educators.
It also provides $35 million to continue the work of the Educator Workforce Investment Grant program in the areas of computer science, special education and support for English Learners.
The Budget invests $312.7 million Proposition 98 General Fund
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Carol Kocivar June 14, 2022 at 3:20 pm
Efforts to change the California math frameworks is now a pitched battle among math experts. Are courses watered down in the name of equity? Stanford and Cal experts are taking strong opposing views. https://stanforddaily.com/2022/04/07/stanford-and-cal-professors-level-accusations-as-debate-over-state-math-curriculum-rages/

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Mateo Meza August 6, 2021 at 8:48 am
Officially changing it to STEAM instead of STEM helps students a lot more than people think. It not only encourages the artists to want to pursue their passion, but it creates an environment where those kids aren’t picked on for their interests because the other kids would be taught that the arts is just as realistic of a career as a doctor or teacher.
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Alan Ham July 23, 2020 at 10:39 am
I think that learning about STEM/STEAM can set students up for what they are interested and want to do in college. It's like the first step to find your major/passion.
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Jeff Camp July 30, 2018 at 11:19 am
A small-scale study (interpret with caution) suggests that teachers' attitudes about math are contagious. "Changing the way teachers felt about their own mathematical abilities led them to like the subject, which boosted their enthusiasm for teaching it"
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Carol Kocivar October 27, 2016 at 2:13 pm
The 2015 Nation's Report Card results in science show that 8th grade California students continue to lag the nation.
About 56 per cent of students scored "at" or "above" the basic level: 32 percent proficient and 22 percent advanced. The average score was lower than those in 42 states.
Put that in English--they were at the bottom.
For a deeper analysis, go to: http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/subject/publications/stt2015/pdf/2016157CA8.pdf
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Albert Stroberg May 1, 2016 at 8:00 pm
A huge part of this must be the teacher.
Basically none of our HS teachers were math/sci majors on college. Zero. I sat in those classes and been numbed by the lack of insight or enthusiasm of the teachers. One told me he was directed to be the science teacher by a colleague because it provided enhanced job security- "they'll can the social studies teacher first" was his explanation for his career choice.
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Carol Kocivar February 3, 2016 at 10:40 am
Resources for STEAM
Edutopia provides information, examples, and tools incorporating the arts, design, and the humanities into STEM-based school activities.
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Carol Kocivar November 13, 2015 at 10:10 am
The Condition of STEM 2015 is now available on the ACT website.
This reviews the 2015 graduating class in the context of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)-related fields to determine student interest levels in specific STEM fields and readiness in math and science of those interested in STEM careers.
Here is a link to the report results for California: http://www.act.org/stemcondition/15/pdf/California.pdf
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smmezzo2 April 27, 2015 at 6:03 pm
STEAM, cool., first I've heard of that. Thanks Tara April 20 post
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Tara Massengill April 20, 2015 at 11:34 pm
I'm a firm believer in STEAM. Without the Arts, students aren't receiving a full education.
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digalameda April 5, 2015 at 1:08 pm
Being a math teacher this first round of Common Core is a shock to parents and teachers. It is difficult for teachers to change their engrained paradigm of teaching and get them to do fewer problems that are more thoughtful.

Students and parents in the higher grades are struggling with having to figure out problems. They prefer the old method they have been conditioned to use of demonstrate and replicate. Most quit or skip a problem knowing a teacher will show it later. Most also do not bother to correct their work to find their errors and learn from their struggles.

I firmly believe the roll out should have been progressive up the grades instead of across all the grades at once. Currently the students complain to their parents that the teachers are not teaching but in reality we are guiding them through their learning and they are not used to struggling or persisting.
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g4joer6 April 18, 2015 at 7:28 pm
Yes, yes to April 5 post suggesting progressive roll out of Common Core Math.
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cnuptac March 26, 2015 at 10:42 am
1 in 4 jobs require artistic skills. I would love to add the arts to this program.
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g4joer6 April 18, 2015 at 7:31 pm
Mar 26 above. I also believe we need to teach the arts to foster ingenuity and critical thinking skills. What is the citation source for the 1:4 jobs require artistic skills . I believe it, but wonder who/what resource to check for more information.
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Jennifer Anastasoff April 28, 2011 at 9:02 pm
If we are ready to truly invest in a high quality science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education for every child, California will have to invest in developing strong STEM teachers.

Focusing on math and science for a moment, a 2007 study of California's math and science teacher pipeline showed a projected need for over 30,000 qualified math and science teachers by 2017. Traditional teacher pathways aren't currently preparing enough math and science teachers to meet this need. It's time to reach out to scientists, chemists, engineers and math experts to meet the challenge of engaging students in STEM as tutors, mentors & teachers.
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