A Musical Tribute to Engaged Parents

by Jeff Camp | May 7, 2018 | 2 Comments
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A three-minute musical crash course in Education Change

Can the big issues of public education in California be summarized in a three-and-a-half minute music video? Well, probably not — but we'll let you be the judge. This video, originally created in 2014, is an invitation for parent leaders to join Ed100.org, a crash course on California education policy. Want to sing along? Lyrics are below, with links to the relevant lessons. (And for the musically minded, here are the guitar chords!)

A Song for Education Change in California

Is there some secret to better schools?
We're aching for faster improvement.
A wand, perhaps, or better tools...
Or maybe we need a movement?

As parents we want to know
How to help our children grow
School really matters and we want to be involved
Can you tell us a place to go online?
Can you tell us a place to go?

We need to know these secrets now
'cause like some times in the past
it really seems to be, somehow
that changes are coming fast:

Common Core is getting real.
Changes in testing will follow.
Meanwhile, technology finally feels
like it might affect classrooms, now.

Stock markets seem to promise
more taxable capital gains,
but California budgets still are modest
and the schools feel the pain.

New "LCFF" should bring about
some serious local discussion
'cause we parents now have new clout...
...which might be cause for reflection.

[spoken] Hmm… Let's reflect...

We are parents and we want to know
How to help our children grow
Schools really matter and we want to be involved
Can you tell us a place to go online?
Can you tell us a place to go?

How can parents climb this learning curve?
The "Ed System" is complex!
How can we learn what we need to serve
and not just feel perplexed?

Each district now must have an LCAP
Each school requires a SPSA
to post online along with its SARC
...in the hope that parents read it.

Can we parents decode this mumbulous stuff
and take a seat at the table?
We've got to learn, and then speak up —
we need to be ready and able.

Ed100.org, a new web site,
helps parents like us to master
the background and jargon that otherwise might
prevent us from helping out faster.

We are parents and we want to know
How to help our children grow
Schools really matter and we're gonna learn about it
Ed100 is the place to go online
Ed100 is the place to go!

Now is the time for parent leaders
to take a bigger role in the system.
We can be partners, and thinkers and seekers
who bring about changes with wisdom.

So spread the word! Like and tweet!
Tell parent leaders you know:
They, too, can learn what they need. And it's free!

Ed100 is the place to go.
Ed100 is the place to go.
Ed100 is the place to go.

'Bout ten thousand schools in California
A PTA in most every one
Let's sign up a parent from every school
Imagine what could be done!

Ed100 is the place to go.
Ed100 dot org!

Jeff Camp is the founder and primary author of Ed100.org.
His songs, including "I'm On My Way To You," have been recognized in the John Lennon Songwriting Competition and the West Coast Songwriters competition. You can find his album, Citrus, on iTunes, Spotify and just about every other music platform that exists.

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PHYLLIS May 8, 2018 at 1:22 pm
This is awesome, music attracts the young and old. Great way to learn
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vpeterson_2001 April 28, 2015 at 3:54 pm
Just started my girls on private guitar lessons because they saw it offered as a 7th grade elective. Wish there was more music in school and more choice to either play OR listen to it.
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PHYLLIS May 8, 2018 at 1:23 pm
Yes, when music and art was decreased and in some schools totally eliminated that was a big dis-service to our youth. Everyone isn't able to afford private music or art lessons for their children
©2003-2025 Jeff Camp
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