Volunteer experiences are very important for students. This was a key topic at the conference of the Academy for Student Leaders. Students heard directly from the state’s Chief Service Officer, Josh Fryday.
When things aren't going well in a school, change is hard. But there's a difference between hard and impossible. What makes a school turnaround happen? This is good news story about a public middle school in San Francisco.
What do school counselors do, and how are they different from other staff like school psychologists, social workers, and school resource officers? There's a big difference. This post explains.
Digital citizenship and media literacy have to be taught and modeled by the adults in kids' lives. How do kids tell the difference between trustworthy and false information on the web? What should they do if they witness cyberbullying? How do they keep their personal information private online?
Schools are better places for learning when all children feel included. It doesn't just happen; schools have to work at it.
The 4th of July is about more than fireworks and parades. It is a reminder of our values as a nation and our responsibility to pass those values on to each new generation. How do we do this? Education. Universal, free public education.
A focus on character is nothing new; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. emphasized it in his "I Have a Dream" speech, for example. But schools are pretty inconsistent in their treatment of character as part of the scope of education. There are some approaches...
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