School board positions are elected offices. During the campaign season, candidates are incubating their positions on issues. What can you ask to figure out their qualifications and priorities? Carol suggests a dozen useful questions.
A censure resolution is an official act of public rebuke. In recent years, school boards have grappled with them with growing frequency, and at substantial cost. In this post, Leslie Reckler explains the process, which she knows all too well.
Parcel taxes and bonds enable school districts to raise money locally. Parcel taxes are for people and programs. Bonds are for buildings and facilities. Here's what you need to know.
How can student voices reach school boards? A combination of persistence and know-how, suggests CSBA veteran Xilonin Cruz-Gonzalez. Read the notes or watch her full presentation.
The most important responsibility of a school board is to hire and evaluate the superintendent of schools. Leslie Reckler explains what's at stake, and how to do it right.
School board members have recently found themselves swept up in politics far beyond local education issues. Many have had to deal with abusive constituents, and a record number have faced recall attempts. Let’s get back to basics: what do school boards actually do?
The pandemic did not come with an instruction manual. School board members have been in the hot seat. We asked two veteran school board members to share their experiences about decision-making under the stress of the pandemic.
The Brown Act, California's open meeting law, plays a big role in how school boards work, even in a pandemic. If you want to influence your board or understand how change happens, you need to understand the rules. Leslie Reckler explains.
Local school boards are the heart of California's public school system. But what do they actually DO? This post begins a series to demystify the role and function of school boards.
In California, if a school district includes a high school, the school board ought to include a student member, but not all yet do. Michaela Weinstein, a student member of the board in Albany Unified, explains the steps needed to create the position, and how to serve it well.
Public schools in California must have a SchoolSite Council. These committees of parents, students, teachers and staff play a vital role in the support and oversight of a school. Leslie Reckler demystifies what site councils do, and how they can do it well. The rules changed in 2019.
In summer, school board members turn to a different type of work. Ed100's school board correspondent, Denise Jennison, explains what your school board might be up to, and how you can find out more.
Thinking of running for school board? Here's what you need to know first, practically speaking.
Many school boards in California include a student member. As the school year begins, new students are stepping up to this important role. Ella Smith served as the student member in Poway, California.
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