It’s obvious at this point that Generative A.I. belongs on history’s ever-growing list of education upgrades. This summer, I hope that every educator will spend time experimenting with A.I. with an open mind. It’s going to change everything.
We rarely ask. But we DO need funding to do our work. Will you donate to Ed100 this giving season?
How does change actually happen in a school or district? In this post, Ben Nguyen describes what he took away from Carrie Hahnel’s presentation, the Change-Maker’s Toolkit, at the 2022 conference of the Ed100 Academy for Student Leaders.
We asked EdSource’s John Fensterwald to provide today’s high school students a sense of their own history: How has the California education system changed during their lifetime? A great deal has happened, as Fensterwald recounts colorfully through the story of Ginny the Guinea Pig.
The first nine chapters of Ed100 explained California's public education system, piece by piece. So now what? If we want to make the system work better for more kids, what can be done? That's the focus of Chapter 10.
California recently received a big, nerdy gift: a set of 36 high-quality, coordinated studies about education in California, involving over 100 top researchers. Here's a summary of the biggest findings.
The key issues in education change, set to music, complete with a YouTube video. Three minutes of pure, geeky fun.
Some changes in California's education system can be traced back to the work of the Governor's Committee on Education Excellence. The Committee's recommendations are still relevant. Here they are.
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