Are charter schools good or evil? It's a false choice, but the topic has become polarized. Here's what you need to know to have productive conversations about it.
Lowell High is one of America’s most famously successful public schools. In a sudden move, the San Francisco school board recently announced that it will dump the school’s selective admission process, making it just another school in the lottery. The controversy is part of a national pattern.
California voters have twice rejected vouchers as a way to provide school choice. The Trump administration is pushing to spend massively on them. Here's what you need to know.
Socrates, famously, taught on a rock. But most of the time, students learn in schools. What makes a school a place for learning? Why does zip code spell destiny? Should parents have a choice of schools? Ed100 Chapter 5 unpacks the role of place in education.
Charter schools in California now serve nearly one in ten students. Advocates for charter schools and teachers' unions are clashing over proposals that affect the future of charter schools. This post examines the legislation. It's a good example of how important policy is formed in this state.
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