What do California schools teach students about sex and sexuality? It can vary a lot.
Schools play a critical role in keeping children and communities safe. A key part of this role is making sure that all children are properly vaccinated.
It has become increasingly practical to distribute fresh food from farm to table. California's First Partner, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, is an advocate for a Farm to School movement. Penelope Oliver, a student leader, explains steps you can take in your school.
The Pandemic took a heavy toll on mental health. There may be a silver lining: it exposed issues that needed more attention anyway. Shereen Walter explains some of the things parents, PTAs, and legislators can do to help.
Sleep is crucial for student success, especially for teens. Lisa Lewis explains why it matters, and why this year presents a huge opportunity for schools and parents to support healthy sleep habits.
As school begins with a whole new set of challenges, parents, families and students are struggling with new sources of stress and anxiety. What are the experts recommending to manage it all? Shereen and Carol round up some great advice for schools and parents to help kids cope.
A tsunami is about to wipe out California school budgets like sandcastles on a beach. Unless Congress acts, kids are going to get hurt, and the damage will be long-lasting. California's Education Coalition is calling on parents to speak out, before it's too late.
When COVID-19 arrived, schools closed without much central coordination. A similar process may play out in reverse as each district decides how and when to re-open, and each family weighs its own choices. State and national education data systems aren't set up to track this.
California's education budget is already in worse shape than most people realize. The economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic could clobber education for years. Without prompt federal support, students and teachers are in for a world of hurt. This post breaks it down.
Even in normal times, millions of families in California depend on school to help feed their children. In the context of a pandemic, basic food service is more urgent than ever. School food systems are rising to the challenge. How are kids getting fed?
A new schedule. Restricted access to friends. Living in close quarters. With schools closed, kids are under stress, too. Here's what parents need to look for, and practical steps you can take to help kids adjust.
Some students, creatively inspired, will produce amazing work in the coming months. Some of that work will be of lasting importance. It might just change the world. Imagine that you are a student living in the future, perhaps a few years from now. How might you answer questions like the ones below?
Governor Newsom has proposed significant new investment in California's school meal programs. Tia Shimada of California Food Policy Advocates argues that making the most of such an investment will require a new, inclusive approach.
A rash of vaping-related deaths has jolted school leaders and parents awake. Suddenly, vaping is everywhere in schools. It's dangerous. Here's what you need to know.
If we’re not talking to our kids about sex, we’re the only ones NOT talking to our kids about sex. Parents, as the primary sexuality educators in our children’s lives, have to be a part of that conversation. Read more from Shafia Zaloom, author of Sex, Teens and Everything in Between.
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