Don’t Miss it: California State PTA Convention

by Carol Kocivar | April 18, 2021 | 0 Comments
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Ed100 will be there. You should be, too!

Convention is always a highlight of the PTA year, and this year it’s easier than ever to participate. We’re pretty excited about it. The (virtual) turnout is expected to be huge, so speakers (including us) are working extra hard to make the sessions and workshops inspiring, informative and useful. 

Here’s what to do.

Register now

First, register. There’s a discount for early registration through April 30 — just $50. Not a PTA member yet? No problem. This is a great year to join PTA so you can attend the Convention, conveniently online. If you aren’t associated with a school, register as an individual by joining the Golden State PTA.

The Pandemic has led to some really innovative changes in this year’s California State PTA Convention, and with a new approach to the schedule it will be really easy to participate. Meetings will run from May 6 through May 16, and you’ll be able to view workshops from May 3 through June 30. Yup. A full two months to catch up with what’s new. You’ll have access to over 60 workshops and training sessions on topics from Advocacy and Legislation to Leadership to Family Engagement.

...and, of course, one particularly important workshop:

Participate in the Ed100 Workshop

Ed100 Workshop: You Can Create Strong Parent Leaders

The Ed100 workshop at Convention will be presented by three of us together. Carol Kocivar is Ed100 lead writer and past president of the California State PTA. Shereen Walter is an Ed100 contributor and Director of Legislation, California State PTA. Jeff Camp is the founder and editor of Ed100.

We teamed up to prepare this workshop with a focus on some of the really big issues you can learn about in Ed100 and do something about through work with PTA. We’ll take you on a quick tour of where the money comes from, how it’s spent, who decides, and how policies fit in — like Prop. 13, Prop. 98 and LCFF.

Using graphics from freshly-updated Ed100 lessons and posts, we’ll point you to where to learn more and how decisions are made. And we come to some important conclusions.

That’s not all. We’ll give you a useful insider’s tour of Ed100. Many people don’t know about the features in Ed100 that can support your work — including tools for leaders of PTA councils and districts. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask us questions, which we will do our best to answer!

We hope to connect with you at #CAPTACON21!

— Carol, Shereen and Jeff

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