Ed100 Drawing Coming Soon

by Jeff Camp | March 9, 2018 | 1 Comment
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Now's the Time: Read Up!

The end of the school year is approaching, and so is the final Ed100 drawing of the 2017-18 school year. On May 10, five users of Ed100 will win a prize of up to $1,000 for their school's PTA.

All it takes to earn tickets in this drawing is a little reading. Each lesson in Ed100 explains something about California's education system. At the end of each lesson there is one quiz question, worth one ticket. It's like an open book quiz.

You'll think you know the answers to many of these quiz questions… but are you sure?



America's School Results:
Are America's kids actually falling behind other developed nations in test results, or is that a myth?

Lesson 1.2

Student Voice in Schools:
Student leaders can be amazing, as we've all seen in the protests about guns in schools. Can students serve on school boards?

Lesson 2.10

Teacher Pay:
Compared to other developed nations, are American teachers paid more or less?

Lesson 3.8

Men in the Classroom:
More women than men work in schools. Is it changing?

Lesson 3.1

School Time:
How many class hours are there in a California school year?

Lesson 4.3

Charters and Private schools:
About what percentage of students in California still attend a "regular" school? (i.e. not a charter school or a private school.)

Lesson 5.5

Gifted education:
Do school districts receive funds to provide extra learning opportunities to gifted students?

Lesson 5.3

Special Ed:
Where does most of the money for Special Education come from -- the federal budget, the state budget, or the school district budget?

Lesson 2.4

Which takes up more of California's budget: schools or prisons?

Lesson 8.1

College Costs:
Are colleges in California more expensive than in other states?

Lesson 9.9

Make It Count!

Whenever you visit Ed100, please sign in. In that way, as you pass the quizzes, you add to your Certificate of Progress. Ed100 keeps track for you:

Ed100  Certificate

When you pass them all, you become an Ed100 graduate, like these winners from the last drawing:

Using Ed100 with your PTA

If you are planning a PTA meeting between now and the May 10 drawing, why not use Ed100 to make it a meeting where the participants learn something new? Ed100 has meeting plans ready for you. Also brief presentation slides, and a (not-at-all-brief) Big Deck of Questions. We have designs for posters and flyers. (Need a flyer design you can print en Español? No problemo.)

Does your PTA's web page include a link to Ed100? Let us know what's holding you back! We want to help your school succeed with Ed100!

Most of the Ed100 team will be attending the annual California State PTA Convention in Ontario in late April. Will you be there? Visit us at booth 308 and tell us about how you are using Ed100 in your school, council or district. We want to know how we can help you better. (We'll have a handout you'll want, too!)

Ed100 is substantially volunteer-powered. Want to join our small and mighty team? Reach out! I'm at [email protected].

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KEN May 2, 2018 at 3:32 pm
ED100 is fresh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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