A New Year's Resolution for Your School

by Carol Kocivar | December 25, 2018 | 0 Comments
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Make this the year you graduate from Ed100!

There is something about the New Year that brings out the best of our hopes and dreams. It’s our chance to resolve to do our bit for a better world.

Ed100 Graduate CertificateA worthy New Year's Resolution: Earn your Ed100 Graduate Certificate

Years ago, when my kids just started school, learning about education was a HUGE challenge. There really was no quick and easy place to find out the essentials about education. I wanted to find out about arts in our schools. More precisely, why arts were not in our schools. Then I discovered I needed to know how school boards work and then I wanted to know more about school funding. It was darn complicated and time consuming.

If only I had Ed100!

Here’s where we circle back to that New Year’s Resolution and why you can make this happen.

Too many New Year’s resolutions fail because they require you to make a BIG change. Or the task is not at the right time for your schedule. Or it takes too much planning. Or it’s just too complicated. Not this one.

This resolution checks off all the boxes.

You can read the lessons in quick short segments. Got five minutes a day to help our kids?

You can do it when it’s convenient. Even in your pajamas.

You don’t have to wear special clothes or sleek shoes. And yes, it’s a lot quicker than going to the gym.

It’s easy to do anywhere. (How about that coffee break or while waiting to pick up the kids?)

It makes you feel confident and empowered.

It is about hopes and dreams.

You can read the lessons in Spanish for practice or preference.

It’s FREE.

In the process you could win money for your PTA.

And yes, YOU might change the world!

The biggest challenge most people have with a New Year’s Resolution is getting started. How about reading that next lesson NOW?

Are you in? I want to know. Send me a message at [email protected] to make your commitment official, or share this post with a friend. Resolutions are always better with a bit of friendly accountability, right?

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