Ed100 Winners Announced

by Jeff Camp | December 9, 2020 | 0 Comments
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Congratulations, Edgewood Middle School!

It pays to do your homework. Luck helps, too.

Five schools won prizes in the recent Ed100 drawing. At this point, more than 2,400 schools in California have used Ed100.org to help them develop an informed school community.

If your school won (see below), there's a step you need to take: get your principal or PTSA president to send email (by December 20, please) to [email protected] to accept the prize and coordinate payment.

Not among the winners this time? Don't despair! We will choose five new winners in May. As always, the way to enter the drawing is to sign up at Ed100.org, read lessons and pass the quizzes associated with them. Each quiz you pass is an entry in the next drawing. Your school must have at least two active participants to win. Check the leaderboard!

Here are the winners:

December 9, 2020




Edgewood Middle

West Covina Unified


Torrance High

Torrance Unified


John F. Kennedy High

Corona-Norco Unified


Alliance Judy Ivie Burton Technology Academy High

Los Angeles Unified


Connecting Waters



As you know (and, ahem, as you might want to share ;-) Ed100.org is a free, self-paced online course that demystifies California's education system one short lesson at a time, in English or in Spanish. Every time a participant from your school community passes a quiz, they earn a ticket in the next drawing. They also come closer to expanding their resume with the Ed100 Graduate Certificate. More than 500 people have earned their certificate, including parent leaders, teachers, student leaders, and even a school district superindendent.

Ed100 Graduate CertificateA worthy addition to your resume: Earn your Ed100 Graduate Certificate

The real prize, of course, is developing a well-informed school community, including parent leaders and student leaders. California's education system is complex and changing. It can be understood, if you choose to learn about it on purpose. People who understand the system can navigate it for themselves and play a part in improving it for everyone.

You can progress through the lessons at any speed and in any order you like. As you discuss the strategy for re-opening your school safely, consider expanding the scope of your conversations. Is getting "back to normal" good enough? Use Ed100 to spur broader thinking.

At the bottom of each lesson on Ed100 you'll find a discussion guide, which we originally created for the Ed100 Chapter of the Month program. The idea is to help you use the lessons in Ed100 to spur insights. Check out the video summaries on Ed100's YouTube channel.

Attention, Student Leaders!

This year, many of the readers of Ed100.org were high school students, for good reason — we launched the first-ever Ed100 Summer Online Academy for California High School Student Leaders. Over 500 students from hundreds of high schools partipated. A team of these student leaders is working to make the 2021 Academy even better, and we have already received hundreds of applications. Our aspiration is for every high school in California to be represented. Please help us spread the word! The early application deadline to attend for free has been extended to February 14. The conference will be held online June 21-23, 2021.

Again, congratulations to the winners!

— Jeff

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