Will you make Ed100 part of your giving plan this year?

by Jeff Camp | November 19, 2022 | 0 Comments
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Will you donate?

I’ll get straight to it: Will you donate to support Ed100?

We rarely ask. But we do need funding to do our work.

What we do

Ed100 plays a unique role in the California education system: we explain it.

The education system is massive and complex. There are about 10,000 school communities in this state. Each needs a core group of people who know their stuff… including parent leaders, site council members, non-profit advocates, school board members, and student leaders. The system implicitly expects all of these influential volunteers to know what they are talking about, magically, even as conditions evolve and school teams change. Is it any wonder that myths persist and mistakes are repeated?

Ed100 enables school community members to “school up” on the system intentionally and efficiently, so they can make a difference for students. Each lesson in Ed100 explains an important education issue plainly, in English and Spanish, with the right amount of supporting context. A simple quiz reinforces the main point of each lesson, and the lessons fit together as a course. Pass the whole course and you earn your certificate as an Ed100 Graduate. Discussion guides for each chapter help communities apply what they are learning together.

Student leaders are important to vibrant school communities. For the last three summers, we have brought hundreds of high school student leaders together (virtually, of course) through the summer conference of the Ed100 Academy for Student Leaders. This work has supported student voices in unprecedented ways, with support from speakers like Sal Khan, Gavin Newsom, Alvin Lee, Josh Fryday, Mike Kirst, John Fensterwald, Stella Keating and many others. We have shared many of these speakers in our weekly blog.

Donations make all of this work possible. Will you join us as one of our first 50 donors?

My "why"

I started writing Ed100 many years ago as I recovered from a very scary surgery. I believe that informed school communities are the cradle of democracy and the path to a bright future for millions of kids in California and beyond. I wanted to do my part to make that system work for everyone.

At the time, my three kids were all in early grades. Now they are all in college, and the mission of Ed100 feels every bit as vital. I developed Ed100 together with Carol, Mary and other amazing people as my own kids grew and flew. It is a privilege to help school communities find the courage and determination to support their kids and schools. Improving school systems can be slow work, but it matters.

Thank you for what you do. If you are in a position to give, I hope you will help equip Ed100 for the year ahead!

— Jeff

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