How does California's education system work?

by Jeff Camp | September 24, 2023 | 0 Comments
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Installment #1 of ten!

How does the education system work, and what can all of us do to make it work better for all kids?

These are the motivating questions that led us to create, now more than a decade ago. As our readers know, Ed100 demystifies the system one topic at a time, in bilingual lessons that are organized in ten chapters.

When will we summarize these lessons in video form, some have asked? Wish granted! Today we are releasing the first installment of a refreshed video playlist in our YouTube Channel. In eight minutes, it highlights many of the major points of Ed100 Chapter 1, our overview chapter.

What to expect from us

We will add updated chapter summary videos like this one to the YouTube channel over the coming weeks and months. We plan to occasionally highlight them in our weekly email to our readers. Please tell friends to sign up on the Ed100 home page to receive them.

How to use these videos

Ed100 can help school communities best when they use it intentionally, together.

The big idea is to help communities get in the habit of talking and learning about the education system proactively, not just in response to tragedy or partisan provocation. It’s painless to add a video to the agenda of a PTA meeting or as a homework assignment for site council members.

For example, PTA leaders in Burbank used Ed100 to prepare their community in advance of a parcel tax proposal. Educators at CSU Monterey Bay are currently using Ed100 to help future educators learn about the education system they will work in.

Spark the conversation

Want to take this idea further? Each video in this series comes with a discussion guide, in English and Spanish. You can find it by looking for the orange star in the “In This Lesson” sidebar of each lesson (see image above).

To really go big, follow the example of Beacon Park Elementary, where a motivated parent spurred dozens of others to use Ed100 to become informed. The Ed100 Parent Leader Guide and drawing are tools to help groups build momentum.

Do you have other ideas about ways to put Ed100 to use in your community? Drop us a note!

Students, don’t miss out! October 6-7

Students aged 13 and up should register now for the 2023 Student Leadership Summit, a don’t-miss virtual conference that will feature inspiring students and opportunities. I will be among the speakers.

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