The student who invented Quizlet

by Jeff Camp | March 13, 2022 | 0 Comments
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Students can do amazing things

Last summer, hundreds of high school students gathered online for the online conference of the Ed100 Academy for Student Leaders. One of the popular speakers was Andrew Sutherland, who invented Quizlet as a high school student.

Sutherland is a graduate of Ed100, and a fan.

In advance of Sutherland’s appearance at the conference, we asked attendees a simple question: Do you use Quizlet? The Y/N question drew a collective LOL. Every student uses Quizlet. Of the hundreds at the conference, literally one person answered no.

For the benefit of readers who haven’t been students for a while, Quizlet is sort of like a digital flashcard system that anyone can use, free, to efficiently review things they want to remember.

In the clip below, Sutherland tells his story in conversation with Zaid Fattah, the student host of the 2021 summer conference of the Ed100 Student Academy. This year’s conference will be held June 20-22. It’s free, and any student 13 and up can participate. Students must individually apply to attend.

This summer’s online conference will feature conversations with inspiring young leaders, education policy leaders and exciting non-profit organizations with civic engagement opportunities for students. The host will be Alvin Lee, the student founder of GENup, a fast-growing network of student leaders in high schools and colleges.

Ways to get involved in this program:

Every high school has students with tremendous leadership potential. These students could represent the future of our world, with the right opportunities. A central focus of the Academy is to reveal leadership opportunities, both within the context of the school or community, and beyond. Our dream is for every high school in the state to be represented at this conference by a delegation of diverse students from each grade level, leading to a life-changing journey of civic engagement.

Will your school be represented? Check here.

Unfortunately, each school is like an island. You might assume that your school is already set to be represented at this conference. Don’t assume! Instead, check our list. As of this writing more than a hundred students have already applied, but let’s put this in context: there are nearly 2,000 high schools in the state, even setting aside the tiny ones. We have a long way to go! Nominating a student to apply is easy — just forward this email to them.

If you are a student, visit this page to apply and then do the next thing: nudge a friend to apply, too. It’s free, and you’ll get more out of it together!

If you are a faculty member, parent, PTA leader or other adult with an interest in helping out, visit this page to register as an ally. You can help enormously by spreading the word. Need a flyer to explain it? Here, use this one.

If you are a potential funder or sponsor, please answer a prayer and contact me.

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