Ed100 Winners Announced

by Jeff Camp | June 11, 2019 | 0 Comments
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Congratulations, C.K. McClatchy High

It pays to do your homework. Luck helps, too.

Congratulations to the five PTAs that won prizes in the recent Ed100 drawing! At this point, over 1,700 schools in California are using Ed100.org to help them develop an informed school community.

If your school's PTA was not among the winners this time, don't despair! We have reset the drawing box, so you have as good a chance as anyone to win the next drawing. We will choose five new winners on December 10, 2019. As always, the way to enter the drawing is to sign up at Ed100.org, read lessons and pass the quizzes associated with them. Each quiz you pass is an entry in the next drawing. Your school must have at least two participants to win.

Here are all of the winners of the drawing:

June 4, 2019




C.K. McClatchy High

Sacramento City Unified


Rio Americano High

San Juan Unified


Walt Disney Elementary

Burbank Unified


Francis Scott Key Elementary

San Francisco Unified


Millikan High

Long Beach Unified


Randomness is at the heart of any drawing. There were some schools at the top of the leaderboard that luck passed over this time, proving that it's always a good idea to try! Congratulations to those of you who graduated this year, singlehandedly earning over 140 entries by passing every quiz offered on Ed100, winning every bonus and earning your certificate as Ed100 graduates.

As you know (and, ahem, as you might want to share ;-) Ed100.org is a free, self-paced online course that demystifies California's education system one short lesson at a time, in English or in Spanish. Every time that a participant from your school community passes a quiz, they earn a ticket in the next drawing for your PTA.

Ed100 Graduate CertificateA worthy summer project: Earn your Ed100 Graduate Certificate

The real prize, of course, is developing a well-informed school community. California's education system is complex and changing. But it can be understood, if you choose to learn about it on purpose. That's what Ed100 aims to help happen. People who understand the system can navigate it for themselves and play a part in improving it for everyone.

You can progress through the lessons at any speed and in any order you like, but some have found it useful to synchronize with the Ed100 Chapter of the Month program. In a hurry? Check out the video summaries on Ed100's YouTube channel.

Again, congratulations to the winners!

P.S. A parting thought: Hundreds of participants have completed all of the lessons of Ed100, earning the coveted Ed100 Graduate Certificate. Why not join them? It would make a great summer project!

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