Educational Pursuit

by Jeff Camp | July 9, 2019 | 0 Comments
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An Ed100 Game for Learning about California Education

At the California State PTA convention in 2019 we unveiled a playful new way to get PTA groups talking and thinking about California's education system.

Borrowing from Trivial Pursuit, we created a set of ten game cards for an activity we're calling "Educational Pursuit." Each card asks a simple multiple-choice question about California's education system, associated with a lesson in Ed100. It also asks this: "how sure are you of your answer?"

Which turns out to be a pretty powerful question.

A Quick Activity or a Full Session

The Ed100 game cards are free to download, print and use.

  • If you only have ten minutes, choose just one or two of the cards and use the short version of the game instructions. (At subsequent meetings you can repeat the exercise with different cards.)
  • If you can commit about 45 minutes, use the full instructions and all ten cards, breaking into small teams of about five people to play.

Either way, the instructions include a sample script to help you get the most out of the time. The point of the activity isn't the answers, really: the goal is to inspire people to become better and more confidently informed about the education system so they can have an influence (and avoid making mistakes). The Educational Pursuit activity is meant to help you get people to pull out their phones and sign up for, which is an important first step… so don't give away the answers!

Part of Ed100's Toolbox

This activity is just the latest in our Ed100 Toolbox

Another tool you should know about is the Chapter of the Month program. (Yeah, we call it CHAMP — couldn't resist). If you create an Ed100 learning group at the beginning of the school year and set a monthly meeting for the group using CHAMP, by the end of the school year you'll have a solid group of Ed100 Graduates. The monthly content includes videos (with Spanish subtitles) and group discussion guides (in English and Spanish).

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