It could be worse. The Governor's budget for 2024-25 proposes to tap the state's reserve funds, largely sparing education from cuts. There are risks. This post explains what comes next.
This is installment #4 for our updated YouTube channel, which will summarize the ten chapters of Ed100 in ten short videos. This one is all about time, the most precious resource of all.
What changed in California education in 2023? This post highlights some of the lessons we updated and posts we added to the Ed100 blog. It was a big year!
The State Treasurer of California manages the government finances of the fifth-largest economy on planet Earth. In this student-led interview, Fiona Ma explains the role and some of the accomplishments she is proud of, like CalKIDS accounts.
This is installment #3 for our updated YouTube channel, which will summarize the ten chapters of Ed100 in ten short videos. This one is all about California's teachers.
It has become increasingly practical to distribute fresh food from farm to table. California's First Partner, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, is an advocate for a Farm to School movement. Penelope Oliver, a student leader, explains steps you can take in your school.
This post summarizes new California laws passed in 2023 that affect students, parents, and teachers. The post includes useful links to each new law, its legislative history, and relevant context. Whew!
This is installment #2 for our updated YouTube channel, which will summarize the ten chapters of Ed100 in ten short videos. It's all about California's students.
Social emotional challenges like depression and anxiety can undermine learning. Shereen Walter, president of the California State PTA, highlights the growing openness that is enabling school communities to make progress on addressing this challenge.
Today we are releasing the first installment of our updated YouTube channel, which will summarize the ten chapters of Ed100 in ten short videos. Watch episode 1 and help us spread the word!
The student position on the California State Board of Education is the most powerful leadership role a high school student can play in American government. It's not an advisory position -- it's a full seat at the table. Zaid Fattah explains why and how to apply. The deadline is NOW.
California High School Voter Education Week is September 17 through September 30. What is your community doing to build active youth election participation? As Carol explains, there's a lot of work to do, and some great examples to work from.
A national debate is raging over parent rights to influence or control what kids learn in school. This seems like a good time for a back-to-basics question: What are children taught in school? Carol explains.
Education funding in California comes from multiple sources, mostly based on laws and precedents. It can be complicated. In this post, Carol explains the combined plan across those sources for 2023-24. There's good news and bad news.
The Supreme Court has ruled that colleges may not use race as a factor in admissions decisions. What do California parents and educators need to know about the ruling? Carol explains.
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