Ed100 Blog

What’s it like in the school board hot seat?
by Carol Kocivar | September 4, 2021 | 0 Comments

The pandemic did not come with an instruction manual. School board members have been in the hot seat. We asked two veteran school board members to share their experiences about decision-making under the stress of the pandemic.

Schedule trouble: How to get the course you need
by Jeff Camp | August 29, 2021 | 0 Comments

The best-kept secret of California’s education system is UC Scout, the University of California’s free, credit-bearing online courses for college-bound high school students. Offerings include 26 different AP courses. Priscilla Marino explained how it works at the Ed100 Student Academy.

For Success, Let Kids Rest
by Lisa L. Lewis | August 21, 2021 | 0 Comments

Sleep is crucial for student success, especially for teens. Lisa Lewis explains why it matters, and why this year presents a huge opportunity for schools and parents to support healthy sleep habits.

Don’t make children victims in a vaccine war
by Carol Kocivar | August 14, 2021 | 1 Comment

As students return to school in the COVID delta surge, Carol asks: How much freedom should people have to put others at risk by choosing not to vaccinate themselves?

Students as Guinea Pigs
by Jeff Camp | August 6, 2021 | 1 Comment

We asked EdSource’s John Fensterwald to provide today’s high school students a sense of their own history: How has the California education system changed during their lifetime? A great deal has happened, as Fensterwald recounts colorfully through the story of Ginny the Guinea Pig.

Legislature blows chance to help California kids with dyslexia
by Carol Kocivar | August 1, 2021 | 3 Comments

Dyslexia is the most common cause of difficulties in reading, writing and spelling. Unfortunately, it often goes undetected, leading to complex learning challenges later. California just blew a chance to do something about it. Carol explains.

The Change-Maker’s Toolkit
by Jeff Camp | July 25, 2021 | 0 Comments

What information systems do community leaders need to know about in order to be credible as change agents for schools? This was the core question taken on by Carrie Hahnel in her presentation at the 2021 Ed100 Academy for Student Leaders, which she titled The Change-Maker’s Toolkit.

A Dream Education Budget for California
by Carol Kocivar | July 18, 2021 | 0 Comments

Over the last year, expectations about education funding have plunged and soared. California’s budget for 2021-22 delivers reasons for school communities to breathe easier. Carol explains the main elements of the budget — and why it reads like a dream list of best education practices.

How to demonstrate leadership in high school
by Jeff Camp | July 11, 2021 | 1 Comment

Colleges and employers often ask students for evidence of leadership. How do students in grades 8-12 find meaningful roles? Here’s a summary of what happened at the Ed100 Online Academy for Student Leaders in the summer of 2021.

Should teaching about the 4th of July be banned?
by Carol Kocivar | July 4, 2021 | 0 Comments

The 4th of July celebrates America's declaration of independence from England. The Declaration began our national project to live up to self-evident truths. Carol argues that Independence Day is a call to celebrate how far we have come while facing those truths.

One Way Your School Can Address Racism
by Carol Kocivar | June 19, 2021 | 3 Comments

Summer is traditionally a time for reading lists. In honor of Juneteenth and the kerfuffle over Critical Race Theory, I again recommend this book. It delivers an important historical perspective on racism in America.

Ed100 Student Academy Program Guide 2021
by Jeff Camp | June 15, 2021 | 0 Comments

Hundreds of high schools were represented at the 2021 Ed100 Online Academy for Student Leaders June 21-23, '21. Students learned, connected, and prepared to make a difference in their own schools and beyond. It was free. Here's a summary of speakers and sessions.

California’s new math war: Slow down
by Carol Kocivar | June 6, 2021 | 7 Comments

What if the faster way to learn math is to slow down? Not just individually, but for everyone? That's the controversial conclusion of research that might change the way algebra is taught in California. Expect a fight about it. Carol explains.

Who Represented California's High Schools in 2021?
by Jeff Camp | June 1, 2021 | 0 Comments

Who represented each California high school in 2021? Here's the answer in three interactive maps, just in time for the Ed100 Academy for Student Leaders.

Time's Up! Will you help?
by Jeff Camp | May 23, 2021 | 0 Comments

Before schools let out for the summer, an important message needs to reach every California high school community. Elected representatives can help. You can, too. Here's how.


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