Parents have differing opinions about whether and how schools should teach controversial topics and texts. Some argue that all parents should have a kind of veto power over schools and libraries. Others see this as censorious nonsense. It’s complicated, but that’s why Ed100 exists, right?
A massive generational shift is driving historic acceptance of sexual and gender diversity. School systems are protecting kids from a wave of hate-fueled policies. Meanwhile, these kids are just inspiring.
Teacher contracts must be renewed every three years. The process usually goes smoothly, but not always. How do districts and unions manage to avoid strikes? Leslie Reckler explains
When it comes to funding for education in California, 2022 was simultaneously the best year in history and the stingiest in decades. It’s poised for a tumble, and won’t get better without more economic effort.
In most states, elementary schools routinely screen each student for the risk of dyslexia so that they get the help they need in early grades. Why not California? Carol explains.
California's constitution obligates the state to provide public education. It does not, however, establish any expectation about the quality of that education. Should it? Californians may be asked to vote on this question.
PTA organizations bring people together in ways that make change possible. In this post, Carol reminds us about some of the roles that PTAs have played in history — and why PTAs remain vital today.
For students, education can sometimes feel like a slog. The work is clear enough: do homework, take tests, get grades, repeat. But what’s the point? What’s it for? At the 2022 Ed100 Academy for Student Leaders, we invited Ted Dintersmith to share his unconventional point of view.
Volunteer experiences are very important for students. This was a key topic at the conference of the Academy for Student Leaders. Students heard directly from the state’s Chief Service Officer, Josh Fryday.
Ed100 is now accepting applications for the leadership team of the Ed100 Academy for Student Leaders. This select team will develop and execute the conference in 2023. It’s a fun way to help student leaders make a difference in California. We need adult advisors, too!
Governor Newsom has proposed a budget for next year that juggles many challenges. When the stock market sneezes, California’s budget gets sick. Carol summarizes how the proposal will affect schools.
The Ed100 team turned it up a notch in 2022. We’ve never worked harder, and it’s nice to see the impact. Thank you for your readership, feedback and support. This post celebrates the year’s work and recaps some of the highlights.
How can student voices reach school boards? A combination of persistence and know-how, suggests CSBA veteran Xilonin Cruz-Gonzalez. Read the notes or watch her full presentation.
This year, more books than ever were banned from libraries and schools, a reflection of our divided national politics. So this holiday season I decided to give my grandchildren banned books.
We rarely ask. But we DO need funding to do our work. Will you donate to Ed100 this giving season?
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