Ed100 Academy becomes Children Now Summit

by Jeff Camp | May 1, 2023 | 0 Comments
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The Ed100 Academy is now the Summit for Student Leaders!

I’m pleased to share an exciting announcement! This Fall, Children Now will host the 2023 Summit for Student Leaders, in partnership with a range of youth-led groups throughout California. The Summit is an evolution of the widely-acclaimed Ed100 Academy for Student Leaders, which was held for the last three years.

Want to get involved? Contact Sara Ortega at [email protected]!

The goal of this 1.5-day online Summit is to support the development and engagement of well-informed student leaders, so student voices have a strong impact on policy. The 2023 Summit for Student Leaders will focus on training about key education policy issues, understanding government relations in Sacramento, and creating effective networks for engagement in policy change. The program will also support stronger connections among student-led groups and deepen their ability to make a difference for students in California together.

If you’re a high school or college student and are interested in volunteering for this event, please reach out to Sara Ortega at [email protected].

A note from Sara Ortega, Children Now

I'm excited about the work ahead! Student voice is vital, and it will be wonderful to support students and youth-led organizations through the Summit.

A little about me: I was born and raised in California to Nicaraguan immigrant parents. My experiences growing up in a bicultural community inspired and drove me to pursue Public Health with a minor in Public Policy for college. Since graduating, I’ve dived into the field of policy and advocacy with Children Now and absolutely LOVE IT! My goal for this summit is to create a fun and engaging event, to learn from all of you, and to build strong connections with our student leaders.

If you’re a high school or college student and are interested in volunteering for this summit, please reach out to me at [email protected].

A note from Jeff Camp, Ed100

This is an important transition and I’m excited about the path ahead. I think it makes sense to appreciate how far we’ve come.

I am deeply grateful to the many people — adults and students — who together brought the vision of the Academy to life despite the challenges of the pandemic. To name just a few of the superheroes, I’m particularly grateful to Jennifer, Arati, Kaylee, Brenna, Zaid, Alvin, Selisa, John, Carrie and Sal. There are many, many others.

To learn more about the Academy, from its conception in 2019 to its inception in the pandemic lockdown of 2020 through 2022, follow the links below:

Many remarkable people have taken time to bring their knowledge and inspiration to student leaders at the Academy. Some of their presentations have served as the basis for blog posts on Ed100, so anyone can benefit from them. Here are just some of the highlights.

Ed100 posts based on past presentations to student leaders at the Ed100 Academy





Ted Dintersmith, author and change-maker

What is education for?


Josh Fryday, California’s first State Chief Service Officer

Learning to Serve


Xilonin Cruz-Gonzalez, former president of CSBA

How student voices reach school boards


Sal Khan, the world’s most influential living teacher

Sal Khan says we're doing education wrong. Are we really listening?


Dr. Marika Manos, Orange County Department of Education

Students and Civic Engagement


Dr. Shirley Weber, California Secretary of State

What does the California Secretary of State do?


Carrie Hahnel

The Change-maker’s Toolkit, 2022


Rana Banankhah and Naomi Porter, State Board of Education

Who represents six million students? Meet Naomi.


Josh Becker, California State Senator

The role of committees in education change


Gavin Newsom, Governor of California

Gavin Newsom's messages for student leaders


Esther Wojcicki and Katina Paron, authors and influencers

Students as Journalists


Andrew Sutherland, founder of Quizlet

The Student who invented Quizlet


Alvin Lee, student founder of GENup

How students have a voice


Stella Keating, GenderCool

What is the Equality Act?


Ted Dintersmith

How schools waste young lives


Dirk Tillotson, former advocate for charter schools

What are charter schools?


Mary Perry, education system expert and consultant

California’s Education System


Priscilla Marino, UC Scout

Schedule trouble: How to get the course you need with UC Scout


John Fensterwald, Editor at Large, EdSource

Students as Guinea Pigs: How has the education system changed?


Carrie Hahnel

The Change-maker’s Toolkit, 2021


Sal Khan

Sal Khan's Advice for Student Leaders


Myrna Castrejón, California Charter Schools Association

Charter schools are public schools

Again, if you are interested in helping student leaders in the coming year, make yourself known to Sara Ortega at [email protected].

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