Gavin Newsom to speak at Ed100 Academy

por Jeff Camp | June 13, 2022 | 0 Comentars
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Great news!

Governor Newsom just confirmed that he will address California’s student leaders in a keynote address for the Ed100 Academy for Student Leaders, June 20-22.

Obviously, this is exciting news, and it's a validation of the quality of the the experience we have in store for students who participate in this free conference. I am deeply grateful to the volunteers — students and adults — who are working to make it happen.

In addition to the Governor, students will learn from more than 25 other remarkable and inspiring people. Here’s a taste:

  • Alvin Lee, student founder of GENup and host of the conference
  • Sal Khan, founder of Khan Academy
  • Naomi Porter, the incoming student member of the California State Board of Education.
  • Dr. Shirley Weber, California’s Secretary of State
  • Carrie Hahnel, Senior Director of Policy and Strategy at the Opportunity Institute
  • Zaila Avant-garde, winner of the National Spelling Bee
  • Josh Fryday, California’s Chief Service Officer
  • Here’s the full list!

This conference is free because we don't want money to get in the way for students that don't have it. Our dream is to include students from every high school in the state of California. I will be blunt: we are nowhere close to achieving this vision.

Don’t get me wrong: this is a big conference, and hundreds of high schools will be represented. But many, many more will be left out. Why? For the simple reason that students don’t hear about it in time to fill out the simple application. It’s hard to get messages from the outside through the thick, protective walls that isolate students from incoming communication, even when the program is free and the Governor is the keynote speaker. The application deadline is June 17. Please help! Share the program guide with people who know how to reach high school students: teachers, administrators, PTA leaders, board members, bloggers, parents, social media influencers, scout leaders, counselors, busybodies...

Thanks for all that you do!

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