Five Go-To Education Websites

por Manuel Romero | February 4, 2016 | 0 Comentars
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Ed100 isn't the only place on the web with good information about how education really works. For those who want more, we have put together a comprehensive list of suggested sites, resources and blogs in Lesson 10.5.

Here are five sites we find particularly useful and reliable, and what we like about them.

1. EdSource (link)

The latest California education news, commentaries, and information about topics such as testing, standards, and student well being.
Noteworthy: The Educators Network for Effective School Discipline features articles and resources about school discipline practices.

2. Ed-Data (link)

Facts and figures about test scores, student demographics and school finance at the state, district and school level.
Noteworthy: A new feature allows you to compare schools, based on your choice of criteria.

3. Great Schools (link)

Reviews of schools written by parents and teachers, advice and tools to select the best school, blogs written by experts as well as parents on learning issues, parenting, academics and more.
Noteworthy: A Common Core guide for each state helps explain your child’s test score results and offers ways you can help your child succeed in each subject area.

4. California State PTA (link)

Information about education legislation, PTA programs and resources for local PTA leaders, and explanations of major issues including assessment, arts education, students with special needs and more, all written for parents.
Noteworthy: A guide to the Local Control and Accountability Plan and Local Control Funding Formula explains how parents can get involved in guiding their schools.

5. Education Next (link)

National coverage of education policy and politics, in-depth information about a wide variety of topics and an online quarterly journal.
Noteworthy: The 2015 NextEd poll on school reform shows public opinion on subjects such as teacher unions, testing, school choice and Common Core.

Happy surfing!

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