El tiempo se acaba

por Jeff Camp | May 23, 2021 | 0 Comentars
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The application deadline for the Ed100 Online Academy for Student Leaders is coming up fast. Our team of high school student Outreach Ambassadors is amazing, but as you can imagine this is kind of a tough time of the school year for them.

Can you spare a little time this week to help? This post explains exactly what to do.

There's good news.

More than 700 students from hundreds of California high schools have already been admitted to the Academy, which will be held June 21-23. It's FREE, but students must apply to attend. The application deadline is June 4. (Late applications will be accepted through June 14.)

Here's the challenge.

Student leaders want to attend this free conference when they hear about it… but they have to hear about it before it's too late! Our announcements are like messages in bottles. For hundreds of high schools, the message just hasn't washed ashore. Many schools are missing out.

Here's how to help.

  1. Know some high school student leaders personally? Nominate them to apply.
  2. Elected leaders could really help get the word out. California has 80 assembly members, 40 state senators, and 53 members of congress. All of them have local offices and a mission to connect with their constitutents. Help us ask them for help! Elected leaders want to support the communities they represent. If they hear about the conference this week, they can direct their staff to help with outreach to their high schools. We've created an online resource to make this easy. Visit the Ed100 Who Represents Your High School page and give it a little time to load. Pick any representative (Assembly, Senate or Congress) from the list — not just your own. You can contact the representative using the provided Twitter or Instagram link. Direct their attention to the Who Represents Your High School page. It's new, so they probably won't have heard of it yet.
  3. Better yet, help out directly! It's super easy. After choosing a legislator, scroll down the Who Represents Your High School page to see the list of high schools they represent. Next to each school on the list is the number of students from that school who have applied to the Ed100 Academy. See the schools where no student has applied yet? Click the "send a message" link to send an email to the principal of the school. You can send the message as-is or customize it.
  4. Wasn't that easy? Why not share this page with a friend? Student leaders will really benefit from this free conference, if they hear about it. We particularly need help with outreach to counties in the Central Valley and Los Angeles. THANK YOU! Your message could make all the difference.

P.S. If you can put a few hours into this civic engagement effort and would like an "assignment" drop me a note at [email protected] with the subject line "I Want to Volunteer." I'll be happy to direct you!

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