Felices vacaciones escolares

por Carol Kocivar | December 20, 2020 | 0 Comentars
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Gifts we Took for Granted in 2020

Best Wishes for the Holidays and for a Better New Year.

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Who could have guessed in January how our perspective on education would change in a year? It has taken a pandemic to help all of us process just how critical schools are to our children and our communities. There are lots of things we just took for granted.

Schools keep our economy going.

Unless we have someone to watch our children, we don’t have workers to keep the economy going. We now realize how important it is to have a safe, reliable place for children to go. Before and after school programs at school sites are much more than convenient — they are essential.

Schools create community.

Schools are where children and parents make lifelong friends, share ideas and work together for a common good. With schools closed, we all miss those personal connections. Thank you PTAs and parents throughout the state who have stepped up virtually to help keep us connected.

Schools fight hunger and poverty.

Schools are the major provider of meals for children. We all owe a debt of thanks to school districts throughout the state that continue to provide nutrition to families and children even though school is closed.

Teachers have super powers

Keeping children learning, engaged, and attentive is not a piece of cake. Faced with the sudden challenges of distance learning, teachers and staff displayed remarkable ingenuity and perseverance. As Shonda Rhimes famously tweeted: “Been homeschooling a 6-year old and 8-year old for one hour and 11 minutes. Teachers deserve to make a billion dollars a year. Or a week.”

The digital divide is too big to solve through donations.

Covid-19 has made it clear that computing devices and broadband are necessary conditions for learning, and it’s going to stay that way. Don’t point fingers at schools for lacking these things — the world has changed. #2 pencils and textbooks aren’t enough anymore. Federal and state policy needs to catch up with the times.

Health and education are related. Schools could help.

Children need health and social services. Community schools have emerged as a powerful and efficient strategy to address this shortcoming, but most schools lack the personnel and resources to meet this need.

Pandemic reveals shortcomings in education investments

Public education is more important than ever. Our hope and wish for 2021 is that you and your school community continue to advocate to improve our public schools. That you and your community personally reach out to your school boards and city leaders and state elected officials to reinforce that all of us have a stake in this. A strong recovery from the pandemic requires strong and smart investments in public education.

Please consider making a donation to support Ed100 in your end-of-year giving. Thank you!

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