Lectura veraniega

por Jeff Camp | June 17, 2016 | 0 Comentars
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The Next Ed Reform?

It’s that time of the year when schools and libraries start rolling out summer reading lists. And for good reason. A ton of research tells us that summer learning is a big deal.

Summer Learning and the Achievement Gap

Without summer learning, kids fall behind -- especially poor kids. A study by John Hopkins University finds that lack of summer learning contributes substantially to the achievement gap between low and higher income students.

Beyond Reading Lists

Summer reading lists are GREAT. You can find some of our favorites at the bottom of this post. But there is now significant evidence that more needs to be done.

Is “summer vacation” -- as we know it -- a good idea? Is there actually someone at home during the summer to take care of the kids? For too many families, the answer is “no”. A recent article in the New York Times, “The Families That Can’t Afford Summer”, highlights these challenges and the growing need to support low cost summer learning opportunities.

Is Your School District Investing in Summer?

We hope you'll make Ed100 part of your summer, too!

The Partnership for Children and Youth provides a guidebook for parents on how to advocate for high-quality summer learning programs. They also identify school districts that invest in summer learning.

California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) provides school districts with significant flexibility in how to invest in students, especially students in poverty, learning English, or in Foster care. If summer learning options aren't available through your school district, that represents a budget choice.

Summer Reading Lists

No, we did not forget.

  • The American Library Association provides lists by age group, starting birth-preschool.
  • Reading Rockets not only has reading lists but also provides summer reading tips. You'll receive 3-4 text messages each week, all summer long.
  • GreatSchools provides a massive list in 18 categories.
  • School Districts also team up with their local libraries to create local lists. Ask a librarian for advice!

Learn more about Summer: A Time to Learn or a Time to Forget in Ed100 Lesson 4.6

Grownups need summer reading, too. PTA leaders in the Peralta PTA district have decided to make Ed100 part of their summer reading plans. We hope you'll make Ed100 part of your summer, too! Where is your school on the Leaderboard?

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