La Urgencia

por Jeff Camp | October 22, 2017 | 0 Comentars
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Not Later - Now.

There's a lot you don't know about California's education system, right? Here's a reason to learn more about it NOW.

December 7

On December 7, will hold a drawing. The PTAs of five schools will win prizes up to $1,000. Will yours be a winner?

Earning tickets in this drawing is easy, and it's something you want to do anyway. Just sign in, read lessons on Ed100 and pass quizzes. The lessons are available in English and Spanish, and each takes only a few minutes. It's all free.

Why We Hold These Drawings

The internet is a buffet of salty snacks and tempting treats. Faced with all those distractions, what makes someone choose to set aside Candy Crush and use their in-between moments to learn about California's education system by reading a lesson on Ed100, instead?

"Your homework would be done in no time, if you'd just sit down and do it!"
-- Every Mom, ever

The drawing helps create a moment of urgency. A reason to choose Ed100 instead of something else. Instagram beckons, but it can wait. Wouldn't it be more fulfilling to complete the next chapter on Ed100 and earn the two-ticket bonus for your school?

Tip: When you sign in, check your profile to make sure you have named the school that will benefit from your work.

Looking for a little inspiration?

Here are just a few of the things you can learn about by reading lessons now on Ed100:

  • Are California's schools improving? Are you sure? Learn now.
  • Does California's new Dashboard rate schools? Learn now.
  • Why is the Special Education system changing (probably)? Learn now.
  • What do teacher unions actually do? Learn now.
  • Can school districts evaluate teachers? What are the rules? Learn now.
  • Where can homeless kids go to school? Learn now.
  • Why are districts so concerned about teacher pensions? Learn now.
  • Should you worry about class sizes? Learn now.
  • How do charter schools work, actually? Learn now.
  • What's the big deal about school vouchers? Learn now.
  • Where do funds for arts in schools come from? Learn now.
  • Bilingual education… what just changed? Learn now.
  • What does "local control" actually mean? Learn now.
  • Is the High School Exit Exam gone for good? Why? Learn now.
  • Are achievement gaps getting better? Learn now.

How are you helping your PTA make use of the December 7 deadline? Drop me a note!

-- Jeff

Yes, the date of the drawing was extended!
Originally scheduled for November 15, we changed it to give participants more time.

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Learn how California's School System works so you can make a difference.
Our free lessons are short, easy to read, and up to date. Each lesson you complete earns a ticket for your school. You could win $1,000 for your PTA.

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